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Int 62 Fn 0078  u - Fgdriver V3.03 - "fg_polyfill" - Draw A Filled Convex  [V]

   AX = 0078h
   CX = number of vertices
   ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see below)

Notes: For FGDRIVER v1.10, this function was "FG_BUTTON" (see AX=0009h);
      "FG_POLYFILL" did not exist yet
   The vertex array consists of pairs of words specifying the X and Y
     coordinates of each vertex; the work array is used internally and
     must contain at least four times as many bytes as the polygon is
     high in pixels
   This function is ignored in text modes
   If the polygon is non-convex, only a portion of it may be filled

See Also: AX=000Eh,AX=0025h,AX=0079h,AX=007Ah,AX=007Bh

Format of variable pointer record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    segment of vertex array
 02h   WORD    offset of vertex array
 04h   WORD    segment of work array
 06h   WORD    offset of work array

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